Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December Family Memories - Spirit of Christmas

When I was young, I truly believed in Santa. Our family would always stay at my grandmother's because we lived in another city in Louisiana. When I went to bed on Christmas Eve, I always had this special feeling that I couldn't explain. I loved the excitement and knowing that Santa was flying up in the air delivering toys to every child. (At least I thought he was.) And, there's no way my parents could pack my new bicycle without my knowing it. I still get that same feeling every year when my granddaughter stays at our home for Christmas. So, yes, Virginia, there is a Santa!

My granddaughter Harper
Gathering Friends
My father worked for the telephone company and had access to two wonderful movies with beautifully detailed puppets. We would call our neighbors and friends to come over during the holidays to watch the movies. We served Christmas cookies and all gathered in our living room. You could hear a pin drop when we watched The Night Before Christmas and Oh, Holy Night. I learned the poem by heart and still recite it to my granddaughter. We tried to get access to the movies years back but were unable to locate them. So, we just read the book every Christmas Eve. And, I purchase Harper a different Christmas book each year.

Learning from a Family Tradition
When I was in high school, I was the typical self-centered teenager who was only interested in what I was receiving for Christmas. I didn't understand the true meaning of Christmas. On Christmas Eve, our parents would let my brother and me pick out one gift to open. One year, I knew I was getting a new ring, so I wanted to make sure I choose it to open. Instead, I chose a gift from our neighbor which was in a small box like a ring. I was so upset when I opened that gift and not my ring. I felt so badly for acting so selfish, that I went to her house to personally thank her for the Avon sachet. Believe it or not, I still have the container to remind me about the true meaning of Christmas. Today, my family chooses a needy family from our church Christmas tree so they will have a Merry Christmas.

Have a wonderful holiday,Sandy

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